Saturday, November 3, 2012

Auto Insurance Premiums

Auto insurance is usually divided to be 2 types, namely All Risk and Total Loss Only (TLO).
  •  All Risk
 The type of Auto insurance that is to cover all risks that occur on your car. It can be from lost, hit, riots, terrorism, missing tires, missing the rear view mirror, bumping into other people's cars (Third Party Liability - TPL) etc..

Premiums of Auto Insurance All Risk that you must pay, usually between 2% to 3% of the price of the car.
  • Total Loss Only (TLO)
 The type of Auto Insurance that is to cover the car only when the customer is lost or damaged at least 75% and cannot be used anymore. If the customer car accidents and car damage up to 75%, the insurer (insurance company) will pay the customer claims.

There are also insurance companies that combine TLO this type of auto insurance, for example, combined with TPL (Third Party Liability). TLO type of auto insurance premium is in the range of 1% of the price of the car, there is less and there is more than 1%.

Well, of the two types of auto insurance at the top, which is right for you? If your car is rarely used, often in the parakeet in the garage, and used only once in a while, it was not much, it is likely that suitable insurance is a type of TLO. But if your car is often out of town, or very active in the city, would be better suited to the type of insurance All Risk. But all of that back to you. If you believe your car will not be scratched but it may be lost, so take insurance types TLO.

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